Brain Annex can be a life-saver for people like myself [Julian West, the project founder] who deal with both breadth and depth in many technical fields, including jobs, personal research, online courses, the small business I used to run, and the data from hobbies and simply from life (car, medical, etc)
NEW! Check out our how-to-use video "Brain Annex: Basic Usage for Power Users"
EXAMPLE USAGE: from actual usage over the years. (Scroll below for the screenshots)
Example 1 – Remembering pesky program settings. Years ago, at a past job, I wrestled with tricky settings for programs such as SmartSynch. Years later, when I found myself again using that program, I quickly and easily resumed exactly where I had left off
Example 2 – On/off use of some technology. Take Regular Expressions, just to mention one. A burning need when having to use them, then go on a back-burner the rest of time, maybe for years. Whenever I re-visit them, I now can quickly refresh my memory, and often add a few extra tidbits.
Example 3 – Mixed type records (reminiscent of Python lists or Graph-database nodes). Selected fields about a single portfolio photo, also tagged to appear on a page about facebook groups where to promote the artwork
Example 4 – Multimedia notes. For example, my past notes about “Triplestores and Graph Databases” sometimes make most sense as formatted text, sometimes as annotated photos, sometimes as annotated bookmarks, sometimes as annotated documents. Note: content may also be video, audio or gadgets – as well as any other type provided by optional Brain Annex plugins (easy to create.)
Example 5 – Categories. Any individual item may be tagged to multiple Categories.
Categories may have multiple subcategories – and in turn be part of multiple other categories (i.e. form a “directed graph” of Categories.)
this documentation is for the "Classic" (PHP-based) version 4 of Brain Annex. As of version 5, released in Beta in Dec. 2021, the internals of Brain Annex have been completely overhauled to a Python/Neo4j implementation. Details
=> FOR THE DOCUMENTATION OF THE NEW VERSION (v. 5) of Brain Annex, go here.
However, the UI is still generally-recognizable from what was shown in the Screen shots section and in the following 2 short intro videos: